John Deere Service Bulletins for 2-Cylinder Tractors (Digital online access)
Get instant online access to this 1,927-page reference of John Deere Field Service Bulletins (FSB) for two-cylinder tractors along with other related implements dating from 1935 to 1962.
The original documents are from the literature collection of Duane and Nancy Larson, who painstakingly collected the bulletins, scanned them into digital format, upgraded or created the indices, and converted everything into a digital reference.
Because the original Field Service Bulletins used small font size, it was not possible for the scanned files to be completely computer-recognizable. For example, a search for the word ‘magneto’ will not yield all occurrences of the word, but only those which the scanner was able to recognize. For the same reason, it was not always possible to introduce unambiguous links from the original indices to the relevant text pages.
To compensate, most indices have been completely retyped in a larger font and linked within the digital reference. The retyped indices are fully searchable and fully linked to the appropriate pages.
No index was available for the ‘L-LA Service Hints’ (Moline Tractor Works) documents, so one was created. New indices have also been created for special topics, including ‘Duane’s Favorites,’ ‘Torque Recommendations,’ ‘Specifications,’ and ‘Corrections.’ Interlinks are also provided for the published corrections.